What can you get from joining CodEng's Online Academy

  • easy-to-understand explanations of key coding concepts

  • fun projects which will help you develop fundamental software development skills

  • one-to-one contact to help you debug your projects

  • regularly updates from the world of tech

  • go from a user of tech to a creator of it!

  • downloadable code that you can work on at home

Hi from the Founder

Hi, my name is Derval O'Neill and I originally hail from Dublin, Ireland. I founded CodEng in October 2015 to get teenagers excited about coding, robotics and the latest developments in the tech industry.

We offer weekly lessons both during school hours and after school and we run a number of code camps in Italy, the U.S. and more recently in Dubai. Understanding not just how to use technology but how to create it is at the core of what we teach. Making it fun along the way is also key.

CodEng courses are designed to help aspiring coders get excited about creating their own web page, building a video game, programming a robot and understanding the key tech topics driving the industry today. More recently, we introduced app building on the iPad using Apple's latest release of Swift Playgrounds.

At CodEng, young people can learn to code and have a ton of fun along the way!


Code Camp Expo Dubai 2021


I had the opportunity to see many new innovations at Expo Dubai, from space tech to AI, robotics and much more. The lessons held by professor Derval were very helpful in understanding better and getting passionate about the world of programming.

Code Camp Expo Dubai 2021


This was a unique experience!, a great opportunity. Never in my life would I have had such a wonderful opportunity to attend an innovation and sustainability event in Dubai.

Code Camp Expo Dubai 2021

Michela - Tommaso's mother

Thank you very much for this wonderful experience. Tommaso is not typically a big talker so I was amazed with what excitement he wanted to tell me everything in detail. Unique experience. Excellent organisation.

Tech and Robotics Online Code Camp


I enjoyed how tech news was combined with robotics. That was a great approach!

Python Course was cool!


I loved they way we were free to develop our projets how we wanted to. I enjoyed the challenge of installing Pygame - that was project in itself!

Tech and Robotics Online Code Camp


I learned how to programme a robot. I never thought I'd be able to do that.

Python Course was great!


It was such a full immersion Python course which covered so much. We covered Turtle, Pygame, AI, the latest tech news and more. I really enjoyed it.

Tech and Robotics Online Code Camp


I really enjoyed these five days. I learnt a lot! I also realised that it's not that hard to programme a robotic vacuum cleaner!

Tech and Robotics Online Code Camp


I think this was great and I want to do it again. I learnt loads of stuff I never knew before.

Code Camp Expo Dubai 2021

Michela - Enrico's mother

Thank you for this fantastic experience. Enrico had a great time in Dubai. Everything was super-well organised. We look forward to the next CodEng Code Camp. Count on us!
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